Sunday, March 28, 2010

Marriage, Break-Ups, and Everything In-Between..

After a very productive morning at church praying for my friends, family, and everything else.. I need to express some things and get them off my chest. I have a really close friend, and yes he will read this, but he shall remain anonymous.. He and I had a long conversation last night and then a little while today. He is in a bad situation right now. His wife of 10 years packed up and left him. The only thing she left was their daughter. I talked to her last night also, and she is not abandoning her daughter, but did not want to upset her daughter's routine for a couple of days. Normally I wouldn't involve myself in a situation like this, but the two of them have been really good to me the past several years, helping me through my divorce by offering me anything I needed. Luckily I didn't need their help, but they would both do anything for me.
I have watched the two of them at each others throats the past month. I have been an outside observer and they both confide in me. I know the real story of their situation, but I will not let on that I do until one of them admits it. The one who will ultimately suffer the most in this situation is their daughter. She hears and sees mommy and daddy arguing, and she starts to cry. Uncle Andy here had the good luck of being there for one of their arguments, and all I could do was pick up their 3 year old daughter and hold her tight while mommy and daddy had their little scream fest.
The only bright spot in their arguing is there is no physical abuse going on. She would tell me if their was, and so would he. They both know how I feel about domestic violence, and they know I could tell if it was going on. Still, this has to stop between them. Their daughter needs them.
The whole ironic thing about this situation is this. They both told me how I needed to quickly rebound from my divorce and go out and find the next Mrs. Andy. This was 3 years ago. They both tell me that I'll be so happy, and I need to get married and have a whole boat load of kids. These things were said as recently as 2 weeks ago. I really believe they say these things for only one reason. They miss being single and dating. They miss having a social life, and not having to answer to anyone.
Now, don't get me wrong on this. I would love to be married to the RIGHT woman, be a good father, and settle sown. That will all come in God's time, not mine. When He is ready for me to settle down and commit, it will happen. I absolutely refuse to go out on a wife hunt or be set up on blind dates just because my friends think i'm lonely. There are no bills, my house is paid for and rented out, and I am happy. My life is drama free, and I really like it that way. God has someone for me, but not right now. I have several things in my life to accomplish before that happens..
So if any of you read this and it hits home in a good way, i'll be happy..

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